
Exhibitions and events: the marble is leader

Italy Learning Project

Italy Learning Project

“Italy Learning Project” aims to be a kind of learning method, that combines local experience with the acquisition of professional and extra-professional skills. This project is proposed by the local Consortiums of the Stone Industry and by the territorial Municipal Administrations and is focused on the realization of a one-week placement, offered to 4 young Indian professionals, who have the desire to learn and experience the tradition, in the masterful design and artisan technique, of stone work culture, that has developed in Italy, in the field of architectural and artistic marble elements; in a few words of “Made in Italy”.

The Consortiums will assume all the charges for hospitality throughout the week and the commitment to organise the program, while the participants will be required to bear travel costs to reach Brescia.



The 4 participants will experience the opportunity of learning through direct experience with stone in context of design, production and construction.



  • Increase knowledge about stone extraction techniques
  • Increase the degree of knowledge about design with stone
  • Provide opportunities and real knowledge with operators and designers
  • Provide opportunities for knowledge of stone works and contexts
  • Increase motivation in the participants
  • Increase the acquisition of knowledge and the development of useful skills in daily work

The educational strategic challenge of the learning path, is that of creating a working community, so that participants will be able to develop innovative solutions for raising the qualitative level of their professional activity.
The training process will be focused on a type of circular learning that will involve the individual participants who together with the one of the operators will form a collAboration of experience.
The involvement of institutional partners, together with professional and business realities, will contribute to make sense and value of Learning and this is not meant to be intended as an aseptic box full of knowledge but will be aimed to promote the individual growth, as well as the development of aesthetic, social and ecological awareness, meaning that in this world “I am with the others”.


Consorzio Produttori Marmo Botticino Classico
Consorzio Cavatori Marmo della Valle di Nuvolera
Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani

Institutional Partners
Comune di Botticino
Comune di Nuvolera
Comune di Nuvolento
Comune di Rezzato
Comune di Serle
Comune di Paitone

Scientific Partner
Scuola delle Arti e della Formazione Professionale Rodolfo Vantini




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